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Writer's picture: Krysta BKrysta B

I have the pleasure and honor of sitting with countless people as a Psychic Medium. I've heard thousands of stories of human experiences, joys & frustrations and I get to help In the only way I know how. I share insights from feisty Spirit Guides and the Realms that hopefully assuages fears and concerns.

One thing I can say with confidence is that nearly every feminine-identifying person I sit with has a common issue: they feel stuck. They're exhausted, frustrated, guilty. They feel like they're not enough, that they're too much, they're mad at their partners and resentful sometimes of their kids - and all of this Is making them sick. Crippling self-doubt and worry leaves them with sleepless nights and they feel like they're carrying around something Incredibly heavy. They feel helpless while also knowing there's a solution that lies within themselves - but don't know how to tap into it. What's going on?

Here's the truth: We, as a Collective, are full of a Rage that goes centuries deep. Ancestor-level deep. Soul(s) deep. It's a rage that only Feminines feel and we've been harboring it for centuries - 2025 years to be exact. It's a systematic repression, full of gaslighting, abuse and violence. Cult-like devotion to a masculine sky-god whose teaching requires that we be submissive to men and the system built specifically for them. Administrations and a capitalistic culture that ensures only the success of one gender & ethnicity, thusly shutting out everyone else. Laws created to repress marginalized communities & groups and misinformation spread to maintain the current power structure.

What we as a Feminine Collective are experiencing RIGHT NOW is Cognitive Dissonance, which is by definition, discomfort that occurs when your beliefs, values, or attitudes don't align with your actions.

What does that mean on a personal level, though? Look at the Belief Systems and Narratives that were introduced to you through family, friends, community, television and advertising, educational systems and organized religion. Does any of this Information hold value to you? If not, then it means you're shifting and changing: YOU ARE HAVING A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.

I want to be clear that, when I say Spiritual, I do not mean religious. I hear so many people misuse and misappropriate the word 'Spiritual.' When I speak to this topic, I am talking about Self-Compassion, Autonomy, Free Thinking & Expression, Curiosity, Creativity, and Individualism. I'm talking about AUTHENTICITY. When we're taught to assimilate, we repress any special spark and uniqueness about ourselves. When we allow ourselves to finally find ourselves and release the Belief Systems & Narratives that no longer apply to us - THAT IS WHEN WE FEEL THE RAGE. This Is the story I hear person after person, day after day, month after month. And I'm truly excited to be In presence of It, because there Is a solution. And It's already within all of us.

The Sacred Rage is a direct tie to the Divine Feminine. This is the special stuff that makes us uniquely women or female-identifying. It's our Intuition, our Inner Child, our innate Compassion for ourselves and for others. It's the self-permission to live within the miraculous cycles our bodies have allotted us so we can rest and play. It's the self-knowledge that we are all beautiful, abundant, Intelligent, emotional beings and we all deserve that authentic expression, whatever form It comes In.

What it is NOT, is the system that has been carefully constructed in the past 2025 years that has discouraged or forbidden any connection to this. What does this look like? Toxic masculinity, misogyny, racism, ageism, sexism, fat phobia, homophobia, transphobia, weaponizing religious beliefs to suppress other groups, violence, toxic productivity, the hypersexualization of young girls, and finally - my personal favorite - shame culture.

Growing up in a Catholic school system, any sign of individualism was extremely prohibited, sometimes to the point of corporal punishment. Any narrative outside of being a "good Catholic girl" was strongly discouraged by the nuns and priests who taught me. I was a child bride to Jesus at the tender age of 8, which required that I was hand-fed a piece of his body onto my tongue by a strange man in front of dozens of people. I also was instructed that I tell all my secrets to other strange men every week, for accountability and control. The pervasive culture around shame was massive in my upbringing: not so much from my parents, but specifically Indoctrinated through my educational system.

Then one night In 1989, I saw Madonna's "Like a Prayer." I was completely blown away, staring at a woman surrounded by Catholic imagery - except she flipped the script and reclaimed her sexuality and power by defiling & dismantling every piece of iconography that repressed women over the course of 4 glorious minutes. I was enraptured - and then promptly no longer allowed to watch MTV.

A lot of my Sacred Feminine rage centers around all the time I wasted being obsessed with "good girl culture," prioritizing staying in my lane & obeying rules instead of questioning authority.

So, where do we go from here? We start with our Spirituality. We recover our Inner Power and remember who the fuck we are. We don't seek permission or wait for the invitation; we take the step forward. We ask ourselves - what do I believe in? What feels authentic to me? And you step wholeheartedly into that.

Then you tap into the Rage. You ask yourself, where am I out of alignment? What are the moments where I felt my Power being taken from me? How do I feel powerless or out of control? Then you alchemize that Rage into something proactive - go fuck up some shit in a Rage room, get physical and workout, explore Witchcraft and tap Into Lilith & Hecate, do Breathwork, go to therapy, or form a support group. One of the approaches I took to dismantling my Rage was getting sober, no longer blotting out my own spiritual & religious trauma. The point being is - - - GET IT OUT. That Rage will consume you and become Dis-ease in your body.

Next: you do the Research and tap into some of the great Feminines of our Time: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bell Hooks, Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda, Judy Heumann. And you become inspired. Write your story, start a blog or a podcast, volunteer, go protest, go into government where you can inspire change, impart your knowledge and teach. EXPRESS AND LOVE YOURSELF UNAPOLOGETICALLY.

I'm going to leave you with some wise words of what is still our current reality. Isn't It time for change?

We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller.

We say to girls, ‘You can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful; otherwise you will threaten the man.’

Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage.

I am expected to make my life choices, always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important.

Now marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support.

But why do we teach to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same?

We raise girls to see each other as competitors —not for jobs or for accomplishments,

which I think can be a good thing, but for the attention of men.

We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings, in the way that boys are.

Feminist: the person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.

-- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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