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Writer's pictureKrysta B


Updated: Sep 5, 2024

It's difficult for me to look at the world in its chaos these days and not to feel a combination of helplessness and TBH, a lot of rage. Especially being the Magickal person I am. It's literally my job to hold space for others and help them clear patterns, narratives and self-limiting thoughts so they can ascend to their Highest Purpose/ Greatest Good.

I've been going through my own Spiritual Ascension/Expansion for quite some time and there are moments where I struggle with my choice to exist in my fullest Divine Feminine expression. This experience comes with a ton of knowledge and responsibility, and it constantly requires me to pursue truth, self-trust, healing and compassion so that I can show others how to tap into their own journey.

2024 is a major year for Spiritual Ascension for those who are ready to step into that energy. It's giving the raising of vibration so that we can see things better from a 30,000 foot perspective as a Collective. It's giving opening up our Intuition to see beyond what's in front of us. It's giving a closer connection to Source/ Universe. When I say that, I'm not speaking about deities, but moreso about the Source Energy that answers the BIG question of why we're here and who we are. If you speak with anyone from the Light Worker community, (psychic, medium, witch, therapist, reiki master, energy worker - basically anyone who is highly attuned to energy/ who holds space for others) they'll tell you how alarmingly fast this evolution has been as of late. We've all been experiencing it in a combination of ways and at a variety of speeds. It basically comes down to what your threshold is and how open you are to the process.

The more you heal your core wounds + raise your vibration + trust yourself and your inner voice + show compassion + learn how to tap into your Intuition = the faster you ascend. But the problem is, our society and culture hasn't created space for that to be an easily achievable reality.

This Spiritual Evolution comes with a major shift and a price. We're currently seeing it play out in our politics and society in general. Popping onto my soapbox for a moment, we've spent centuries detaching ourselves from the Divine Feminine and it's how we got to the unevolved climate we currently find ourselves in. How did we do it? Via thousands of years of dismantling and divesting power away from women. Shifting radically away from feminine-centric religious beliefs that worked with the planet instead of against it. Instead of understanding and pursuing our relationship between Earth and the Universe as we once did, we've placed a deity between us and the cosmos to make everything inaccessible to us. In lieu of trusting intuitives, shamans, midwives, death doulas, priestesses to do what they need to do to co-create with Universal energy for a more symbiotic living, we've demonized and murdered them en masse, in the name of power. Instead of celebrating feminine sexuality and the holding the womb space sacred, history has found paths to delegitimize it.

Thousands of years of this behavior has normalized the disempowerment of the Divine Feminine and provided a platform where divinity is only accessible through masculine energy. Through a white, male god figure. Through male priests who hold access to that god. Through the Patriarchy and a male-dominated governmental ecosystem. Through historical laws that have forced women to be claimed as property in that they take our fathers names - only to be passed along to a husband to take his name/be his property. White, male politicians who make decisions to revoke reproductive rights on a daily basis. Access to birth control is expensive and Plan B is nearly impossible to buy. Our monthly cycle has become a shameful and embarrassing concept, instead of holding the power it once did when we lived in Red Tent culture where women created ceremony around period blood. The very fact that our very blood was used as an offering to Goddess and the Earth demonstrated our power before animal & human sacrifice became the norm in ancient times when masculine deities took center stage.

The wildest concept is how we're taught to believe that we all are fundamentally evil/ full of sin before a priest can "wash it away" with water. (This principle got me into hot water a lot when I was in 8th grade) This is just a portion of the conditioning that has created an environment where we no longer know or trust ourselves.

(What it feels like to be in your Divine Feminine expression - and this isn't a gender-based expression. It's anyone who in their Intuitive expression.)

All of this culminates into a climate where abortion is now illegal in the US; where countries lift bans on female genital mutilation (looking at you, Gambia); and also where certain books are eliminated from schools. Again - in the States, we ban any literature on gay & trans culture, as well as literature on any Spirituality outside of Christianity.

Which leads me back to my original point of finding empowerment via my Divine Feminine, in a world and culture that doesn't create & allow space for that to happen. I literally live in a state where it's against the law to do what I do for a living. So, how do I thrive in my Expression and share space with others who are on the same journey to empowerment?

I invite and ask everyone around me to take up space the way I do. To trust in themselves, their judgement, their discernment, their Intuition. Hold boundaries, say "No," stand in your Truth. Pursue your own brand of Spirituality and work with whichever energy, deity, archetype you are drawn to. Do divination and trust the message. Listen to your Spirit Guides and your Loved Ones on the Other Side. Do the work to heal your core ancestral wounds and encourage others around you to do the same.

That's what it takes to come back into your Power. Whether you're a Feminine, a Masculine, Neither or Both - that's the Secret. Our cultural conditioning has done such a great job of placing us squarely in a Mundane, three-dimensional world where we feel disconnected from ourselves. The challenge is to find the Magickal realm within it - within YOU - and cultivate your power in healing. Once you're able to come into that awareness and heal/reignite your Divine Feminine, then you create Community around it and the effect becomes exponential.

That's how you Ascend and Transcend.

(What Randy said)

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